Celeste J. Johnson
A strong voice in the church community, Co-Pastor Celeste Johnson helps lead many of the administrative and organizational aspects of ministry. Providing leadership and empowerment to all, Celeste motivates and encourages people to strive for greatness and never to be complacent in where they are in life but activate their greatness.
Saved and filled with the Holy Ghost at the age of 18, the calling on her life was great. Celeste humbly worked on several auxiliaries including the local and diocesan level of missionary department and ABYPU, established Children Church curriculums for local churches and served as the Pastor’s Aide President and Vice President all under the leadership and foundation of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
In 2009, Co-Pastor Celeste followed the obedience of God when He told her that living room would be turned into a sanctuary and that their ministry would always go beyond the walls, as her husband opened a ministry in their home. Working side by side, the vision for the ministry was great and God blessed just as He promised. In 2011, another door was opened for the family, as God led them to serve as the only American Pastors under an all Brazilian administration for 7 years at The Assembly of God Portuguese Ministry, Riverside NJ. Breaking cultural barriers, Co-Pastor Celeste has preached messages translated in Portuguese and Spanish at several women conferences and services.
Ministering to the lost and broken, Celeste has worked tirelessly serving the people of God. She administrated the collaboration of numerous outreach services in Camden, Trenton and Riverside communities, food and clothes drive, credit counseling seminars, and mass feedings for homeless over the holiday seasons. Passionate about helping others, Co-Pastor Celeste believes that all deserve chances, sharing the love of Jesus Christ, giving all a glimpse of joy and hope can be possible.
Presently, Celeste J. Johnson is the Co-Pastor of Faith to Favor International Ministries Inc. Allentown, NJ with her companion of 26 years Pastor Kelvin L. Johnson Sr. and the proud mother of three children, Eliza, Kelvin Jr. and Alivia, when the doctors proclaimed, she would never have any. In 2016, she received her bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at Strayer University in 2020 received her Master’s in Business Administration at Jack Welch Management Institute. Celeste prays that her life stands as a testimony for all that no weapon formed against you shall prosper if you have the faith and trust God for each step of your life, because all things do work for your good.